Chidinma NnoliLavender, lavender, when will my feet catch fire, 2022Oil and acrylic on canvas54 x 62 inCN0003
David Otaru#1, 2022Acrylic on Canvas30 X 36 inDO0019
Ayobami OgungbeFive and six , 2022Matte prints44 x 49in48¼ x 53¾ in.AO0005
Ayobami OgungbeKaleta (II), 2022Matte prints40 x 40 in43¾ x 43¾ in.AO0003
Ameh EgwuhLife After Life 6Acrylic on canvas54 x 60 in.AE0004
Ameh EgwuhLife After Life 5, 2020Acrylic on Canvas60x54 in.AE0003
David Otaru#3, 2022Acrylic on Canvas30 X 36 inDO0021
David OtaruDaydreaming (II), 2022Acrylic on Canvas40 X 66 inDO0018
David OtaruParty Dolls, 2022Acrylic on Canvas40 X 66 inDO0011
IyunOla SanyaoluHow do you sleep (IV), 2021Oil on canvas48 x 48inIS0001
Michael IgweMan Of the house in Flattering Robe, 2022Acrylic on canvas54 x 42 inMI0014
Nnenna OkoreSample Material , 2008Magazine pages and thread79 x 37 x 8 in.NOK0002
Chidinma Nnoli
Lavender, lavender, when will my feet catch fire, 2022
Oil and acrylic on canvas
54 x 62 in
We are now live at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel for this year's edition of Felix Art Fair presenting a group booth featuring works from contemporary African artist Nnenna Okore and gallery-represented artists - Ameh Egwuh, Michael Igwe, Chidinma Nnoli, Ayobami Ogungbe, David Otaru and IyunOla Sanyaolu.
The fair runs from February 15 - 19th. Come and visit us at Tower Deluxe Room 1102!
The fair runs from February 15 - 19th. Come and visit us at Tower Deluxe Room 1102!
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